Anahita's In-Home Newborn Session In San Jose

"When your fourth baby is a newborn, there is so much to juggle--different school schedules and projects, the needs of each child, careers, and time for yourselves as a couple. On top of this, of course, there are the challenges of a newborn: learning the new baby's needs and personality, and dealing with exhaustion. Yet cherishing the sleep smiles and the moments in your arms  is easier than it ever was, simply because now you know that infancy is fleeting and that this time will pass too quickly." - Mary Anne

Oh my gosh – a fourth little one has been added to the mix of chuckling action at the Williams' house! This afternoon was such a whirlwind, but the amazing thing was that the hubbub from the older siblings seemed to calm Anahita down.

Your Story Matters


The Benefit Of Longer Photo Sessions