Faye At 1 Year | San Francisco Documentary Baby Photographer



"I get very very very little sleep most nights because Faye will sleep in between us and wants to do nothing but nurse and kick us all night, but it's worth it when you wake up in the morning and she is hovering over you with so much excitement in her eyes. Like, she's so excited the day has started." -Jenna

Jenna and Tom got to geek out over their daughter Faye for an afternoon of pictures; such an awesome little family. This San Francisco in-home session had be giggling a lot! Faye is so excited about everything and I wish we all saw the world in the same magical way as a 1 year old does.[gallery targetsize="full" captions="hide" bottomspace="none" gutterwidth="20" columns="1" size="full" ids="3390,3384,3386,3385,3392,3388,3389,3387,3393,3394,3395,3391,3397,3398"]

"Since becoming a parent, not only have I done so many things I said I would never do, but I'm a lot more compassionate. I think as a childless person, it's so easy to judge parents, even if you don't mean to, because you don't know the full story. I think I have a lot more compassion for the mom with a screaming toddler at Target or the mom on her phone at the playground." -Jenna


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