Found treasure: Artist statement from 2016

A few years ago I attended a retreat for photographers, and one of our assignments there was to write down an artist statement draft.

I happened to find this little piece of paper today as I was clearing out some clutter – and thought I would share some bits and pieces from it with you:

Free to be.

I'm inspired by childhood in its purest form – untamed, innocent and celebrated.

In my childhood many of my feelings went unvalidated. I'm relearning to be curious, about myself and things around me. Relearning to be me.

I've learned that when you are free to be, you are already home.

I never "did" anything with this artist statement – tucking it inside an old journal doesn't seem to be the way to remember important things – but I can see how these words have guided me throughout the years I've worked as a family photographer.


I'm curious - do you have an artist statement?


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