Moses' 9 Month Session | San Jose Baby Photographer

Moses-Bay-Area-Baby-Photographer-2Sometimes babies and kids are nervous about the camera. This was the case with Moses –his daycare photographs did not turn out as his parents had hoped so they set out to find a photographer that could get some great photos of him. As I explained to his parents, I cannot guarantee happy photos of their baby.  I truly believe, though, that when a kid doesn't have to pose or do anything specific for photos, you usually get a good range of emotions in images.Simply – if the family is having fun, I will capture that. If the kids are throwing a tantrum, that is what I document. The goal for the photos is to let things happen naturally – instead of telling kids to smile, give them a reason to smile!The challenge with little Moses was that it was fairly easy to get him to smile if I wasn't behind the camera, but the second I raised the camera to hide my eyes he'd get a bit nervous. With a combo of making photos without looking through the viewfinder and his parents playing with him, I think we ended up with lots of cute images. I mean, look at those eyes!Towards the end Moses was getting incredibly tired and hungry, which made for some adorable sleepy baby moments.

Print Project 5 | 2016


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