Will I Be Up For A Newborn Session Right After Birth?

Recently I had a video consultation with a future mom who is due with a baby in January, and she asked me if I've noticed that there is a specific type of person who books documentary Fresh 48 newborn sessions with me. She was thinking about booking one, but her friends warned her that she might not be up for pictures after having just given birth.

This is a good question, and one that I don't think really has a simple answer. It may be about priorities more than personality types?

Sometimes when I'm taking pictures at a hospital, even nurses are surprised to find me in the room. Why am I taking pictures when mom looks tired/hasn't showered/is in her gown/doesn't even have makeup on? I find this strange, since they witness new life every single day – they should know how amazing that is? Those first few days that are an endless discovery of newness. 

I know from talking to past clients that these pictures are cherished – and the pictures not taken are regretted.

A few weeks back I delivered a photo book to a client whom I had done a 3 month baby session for, and we got to talking about their past experiences with photographers. She told me how she regrets not getting in the pictures that the hospital photographer took – in the moment she could not see how much those pictures would have meant to her.

"I was hesitant to have these photos taken, even by a friend, because we are not super comfortable in front of the camera. During the [Fresh 48] session, I felt comfortable and thankful that these moments were being captured. Now I have them, I know I would regret not having them and it’s my biggest recommendation to other soon to be moms." - Julie

The discussion needs to change from how mom looks after birth to how treasured those moments will be as time goes by.

A woman has just grown a little person inside of her for the better part of a year. Then she has birthed this little person, and whichever way it happened it is a major feat. Then she gets to discover, nourish, care for, and share this little person with the people that are closest to her. If that's not worth documenting, what is?

"She helped us capture all the joy, wonder, and exhaustion that is parenthood following the birth of our daughter. I am so happy that we will forever have these pictures to remember the details of that day." - Megan

A natural newborn session is about being present with baby and your partner – and how beautiful parents are being parents. Here’s a video slideshow from Cecilia’s newborn session at the hospital:


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