How Do You Want To Be Remembered?
How do you want your kids to remember you? That's something I ask all parents that inquire with me for a photo session.Most of us have smiling group shots, perfected selfies, even formal headshots on our phones and laptops. But if something was to happen to you tomorrow, and those pictures were all that were left behind for your family – would they be enough?
Do you have pictures that will bring back memories of your laugh, your sense of humor, your gentle touch, your smile, your patience? How hard you work as a parent, how much you love your partner – even when you are exhausted out of your mind?
Do the photos show what you are like, not just how you look? Maybe you stay connected to family by wearing your grandma's necklace. Maybe you barely have time for mascara in the morning, and still feel like a million bucks when your husband looks at you. Maybe you love to shoot hoops with your kids in the front yard. Maybe you like to tease your wife until she's laughing so hard that she can barely catch her breath?
Photos have such a strong way of taking us back in time to moments, just like smells, tastes and music do sometimes. So make those shutter clicks count, and get in those pictures.Ask friends, photographers, partners, or the mailman to take pictures of you being a parent, being a partner, being you. Just being in the moment.
So tell me, how do YOU want to be remembered?