A Day In The Life session thoughts from a mom

"I wanted to document a day in our lives because a collection of pictures taken over a full day has the potential to tell the story of our family life.

Knowing that she'd experience some less than stellar behavior by my kids–or me– made me hesitant to have a photographer come over for a full day. My biggest fear was that I would see something in the pictures I didn't like. But, I found that even the less flattering pictures had something unique to tell about us. 

Jenna staying over from the night before helped us all relax and be more ourselves. The session day was pretty fun and normal. It was a gorgeous day, so we just went out and about and enjoyed it like we normally would. 

When we got our pictures, I saw the beauty in our mundane moments. My favorite pictures are the children interacting and helping each other because that's what I see everyday, but rarely capture in pictures well." - Andrea


A day in the life pictures of Claudia's family


No, my photography pricing is not "standard"