5 At 5 | April 2016 Blog Circle

Bay-area-photographer-home-1I was all caught up on client editing for the week, which meant that I've had a couple full days to work on admin tasks. I'm the kind of person that needs to see everything laid out on real paper to get things done. And by laid out, I mean literally scattered across floors, bulletin boards and any other possible surface.I have a lot going on behind the scenes this spring, because I'm doing a marketing bootcamp as well as other business related classes. It's overwhelming for sure, but seeing my mess in a photo somehow makes it feel more manageable.A few weeks back Marcus signed us up for Blue Apron, which means that for three days a week we don't have to come up with what to eat. We both love cooking, but most of the time we end up making the same stuff over and over again because we can't think of anything new. Marcus has really enjoyed cooking these pre-planned meals, and I have enjoyed eating them.It's pretty awesome to have one less thing to think about after a long day of work, and we don't have to go further than our own kitchen to enjoy something we wouldn't have thought of. My favorite this far has been chicken fried chicken with baked sweet potato and collard greens – we are making that again tonight for a dinner guest!
I have to confess – I rarely watch the news. The Daily Show with Trevor Noah is my news source which we usually watch during dinner.I took a visual storytelling class at The Define School in January, and afterwards some of us students decided to stick together and start a blog circle. We will be posting five pictures taken at around 5pm on a more or less regular day every month.Now, hop on over to Nicole Broughton's blog to see her 5 at 5!

Ruff Monday XIII | Puppy Nova Flashback


Birth Story Of Baby Elliott | Bay Area Photographer