Documentary Summer Photo Session Ideas | Bay Area Photographer

When I was a kid, summer meant spending weekends (as well as July) out on the boat in the Finnish archipelago with my family. Fishing, swimming, collecting pebbles and shells – as well as fighting off mosquitoes. Summer meant freedom from school, an abundance of relaxation and rest mingled with fun and games.As I got older, my most favorite thing about the season was worry-free summer nights when the sun never seemed to completely set. As an adult, the summer vacation isn't nearly as long as during childhood, but it still brings a sigh of relief, a kind of reset into my mind space.But over to you.The kids are out of school, you have a few vacation weeks lined up – and you want to remember some of these special moments you share with your family. Most of all, you want your kiddos to remember the traditions and rituals that make your summer special – before you get back to your obligations and regular routines.Here are some family activities that may just be your kids' happiest childhood summer memories:


Travel days – maybe you're visiting a new place and want a fly on your metaphorical adventure-wall?Beach day – ocean visits are just so good for the soul which is why I never get tired of beach sessions.Pool day – the sparkle of the splattering water, the joyful scream when dad grabs a foot under the surface, the pure energy when the kids jump in.The ice cream shop – because all that goopy glory on their face is too cute to wipe off before taking a picture.Camping – because nature, camp fires and worry-melting s'mores.Visiting a parent at work – how cool would that be to surprise them?Strawberry picking – yum!

Important people

Grandparents – summertime is a great opportunity to make sure you have pictures of them with you and your kiddos.Cousins, aunts and uncles – the more the merrier? We share special bonds with more than just our core families, but rarely get casual photos together.BFFs hanging out – capture the important relationships kids develop early on with their best friends. The never-ending belly laughs, the secret whispers, the imaginative games – their own little world.

Yard play

Hula hoop, frisbee, bubbles, sidewalk chalk, water gun fights, jump rope, water balloons, sprinkler play, silly string – all that fun stuff kiddos can do to just let loose.Kiddie pool baths – bubbles, faux hawks, and all the favorite toys that commandeer most of the room in the pool.Crafting, painting, drawing – sometimes the more quiet and introspective moments are the best ones.Amelia Mountain View In-Home Session | San Jose and Bay Area Documentary Family PhotographerThere are a trillion million of summer vacation things that are worth documenting– I've barely scratched the surface. Whatever is routine or natural for your family, I'm up for it! I suggest that you write down important things you are doing this summer, as well as the people you will connect with that truly enrich your life. This way you'll be able to figure out what would be most important to document.


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